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Tips And Tricks On Investing In Real Estate - 08 Apr 2018 05:24


[[html]]Investing in real estate can be hard to understand for a lot of people, but if you have knowledge about it, you will be a successful investor. No matter if you're just starting out or have been investing in real estate for some time, this article can be of service to you. Continue reading for useful advice on succeeding with real estate investments.<br><br>You must do some market analysis and research prior to becoming a real estate investor. Look at between 50 and 100 properties in a location you desire, and create a spreadsheet with each one. Things to list include current pricing, projected rent earnings, and repair budgets. Doing this will help you get a better picture of the value of each property.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Always find out about the values of other properties in the area. Mortgages and rent figures are great for providing insight into home values. Seeing how the neighborhood is maintained can tell you a lot about a property.<br><br>Don't invest in property that has not been personally inspected by a third-party or neutral professional. Sellers may even cover the inspection costs, but always choose an independent inspector. Hire your own person.<br><br>Learn from like-minded people. There are lots of people that invest in real estate. That's why many communities have business groups and clubs that focus on this interest. Or if there are none in your area, there are quite a few online forums where other investors <a href=""></a> congregate. Join these groups and learn all that you can.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>When contemplating your overall strategy, remember that your costs encompass more than just the purchase price. You also need to factor in costs for closing, staging and legal matters. Consider these costs when you work on your margins.<br><br>There are a couple of things to consider when purchasing property. The first is the cost of the land. Avoid overpaying for business. Estimate the property value and the business independently to see if it really is a good deal. If the numbers are good, then it's a good buy.<br><br>Do not make the assumption that property values always increase. This is a bad assumption to make when dealing with real estate. Your best bet is to invest in things that give you a positive cash flow right away. If the property value increases as well, that's just icing on the cake.<br><br>While negotiating, open your ears and keep quiet. Simply by letting the other person speak, they can end up harming themselves when trying to negotiate a price. Actively listening will help to ensure that you get the greatest deal possible.<br><br>When considering a prospective property for investment purposes, try to chose something that will increase in value. A lot that sits right on the water or in the heart of the business district will likely continue to grow in value. Think about the big picture and the chances its value will <a href=""></a> increase.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Avoid bottom of the barrel purchases in real estate. Even a tempting price can leave you stuck with a property for extended lengths of time due to no buyers. Spending more money means you will become the owner of a better property.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="315" /><br><br>Be mindful of the value of your time. You may enjoy renovating properties, but is the time you're spending on it time well spent? Would you be better off looking for a less time consuming opportunity? If there is a chance to outsource the labor, do it. It is important to have as much time as possible to do other necessary things related to your business.<br><br>Always remember that you should call all utility and cable companies to mark their lines that lay underground before you begin any landscaping or digging on the property. It may even be illegal to dig before checking for lines, first.<br><br>If you're thinking about getting into real estate rentals, you're going to need a capable property manager. Since their rent is really your mortgage, you want to know they can keep up with your payments. If not, you can run into many problems trying to recoup your investment money.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Do not let your investments use up your emergency funds and cash on hand. The process of investing in real estate can mean that lots of resource will be tied up for years at a time, with significant returns being somewhat slow in coming. Don't let this situation destroy your ability to live from one day to the next.<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="397" /><br><br>Lean the basics of bookkeeping. It may be tempting to overlook this in the beginning. It is true that you have other things you need to worry about. Good book keeping is crucial, though. You can stave off serious concerns down the road if you take care of your books from the start.<br><br>0_SH20_BO1<br><br>Sign up for a good foreclosure listing service to be aware of the best possible deals when they come to fruition. This will save you time as you will not have to contact the county courthouses, lenders and real estate agents. These are going to be dated recently.<br><br>Figure out the best type of building for you to invest in. When investing, it's not enough to simply buy a property. You must consider the maintenance that the property will require before you sell it later. A one-story home is not as difficult to maintain as a multi-family building, for example. Don't take on more than you are able to handle.<br><br>Make sure to avoid deals that are really high or low. If you put too much money in, it's harder to make a decent profit. If you want to buy cheap property, you'll probably spend a lot on renovations. Try finding one priced in the middle that isn't too upscale or too shabby.<br><br>People make money at real estate investing, and they also lose a lot, too, but now that you read a great article packed with investing tips, you can be very successful! Don't be intimidated by real estate, and continue to learn to make the profit that you have dreamed about. Share what you have learned with your family and friends so that they can benefit from this important information as well.<br><br>Follow Dean Graziosi on:<br><br><a href="">Huffington <a href=""></a> Post</a><br><br><a href="">Facebook</a><br><br><a href="">Amazon Books</a><br><br><a href="">iTunes Podcast</a><br><br><a href="">Twitter</a><br><br><a href=""></a><br><br><a href="">Tumblr</a>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

La Gamme Substantielle De Produits Et Des Services D'acn - 03 Aug 2017 12:42


[[html]]<img src="" width="450" align="left" /><br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Tout le monde peut finir par tre efficace tant que vous prenez le temps <a href=""></a> de dcouvrir les ins et les outs of business. Vous devriez galement dvelopper le rseau pour vous assurer que vous avancez au niveau suivant, ce qui, par ailleurs, augmente votre commission. Faites particulirement attention aux plans et procdures, en particulier la stratgie de paiement.<br><br>Il sera dtermin en fonction du remboursement mensuel du client ainsi que de la nouvelle facture du reprsentant. Donald ACN, l'actuel chef de l'Etat des tats-Unis a totalement soutenu ACN, la seule entreprise qu'il a recommande en dehors de sa propre entreprise. Le montant d'argent que vous pouvez faire varie d'une personne l'autre. Il n'y a pas d'autre moyen pour ACN d'tre une arnaque car elle offre des services et des produits de qualit suprieure offerts un prix comptitif. American Communications Network (ACN) est le plus grand vendeur direct mondial de solutions de tlcommunications et d'quipements dans le monde entier.<br><br><h2>ACN A Direct Offering Telecom Company</h2><br><br>Beaucoup d'individus ont cette ide l'esprit que seuls les individus au sommet font l'un des plus prt. Le problme est de persuader ou de recruter d'autres personnes afin que vous puissiez dvelopper votre rseau. Il y a des gens qui cessent de fonctionner et, trs probablement, les raisons ne sont pas exactement ce qu'il faut pour devenir un entrepreneur indpendant russi. Dans des moments comme ceux-ci ACN vous devriez reconnatre les meilleures faons de maintenir votre attention. C'est une possibilit lgitime d'organisation en ligne pour tout le monde.<br><br>ACN croit fermement que ACN est une entreprise officielle 100%. Vos prospects vous considrent comme un personnage d'autorit, une personne qui aide leur fournir des dtails utiles. Il existe actuellement des modles de tlphones cellulaires, de tlphones intelligents, de cartes sans fil, ainsi que de produits mme d'lgance. Dans ce post, nous allons passer en revue ACN et pourquoi il faut ne pas avoir peur d'tre un lment de cette organisation trs crdible.<br><br>Vous pourriez galement rduire vos cots de nourriture et de vtements. Vous pourrez certainement gnrer des revenus via les offres de bonus d'achat client (Taxicabs). Il existe une grande varit <a href=""></a> de services et de produits choisir.<br><br><h3>Juste Comment Pouvez-Vous Faire Des Liquidits Rcurrentes Via ACN?</h3>Vous pouvez envoyer vos clients potentiels un message pour clarifier le produit ou les services d'ACN. Le montant d'argent que vous pouvez faire varie d'une personne l'autre. Vous devez ne pas seulement dpendre du marketing standard.Vous avez probablement entendu parler d'une entreprise de MARCH DE RSEAU obtenue dans des activits frauduleuses. ACN fournit un bon produit et est galement associ un bon ensemble de rglement.<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Dcouvrez Les Secrets Du Succs Chez Acn Business - 02 Aug 2017 03:05


[[html]]<img src="" width="350" align="right" /><br><br>Par consquent, si vous tes trs susceptible de rejoindre ACN, vous aurez certainement un march important, ce qui augmente votre possibilit de gnrer beaucoup d'argent galement dans la commodit de votre maison. La clientle potentielle des services et produits ACN est tout le monde. Il utilise des technologies modernes de pointe pour vous assurer que vous, votre maison et votre entreprise sont aussi scurises que sres.<br><br>C'est un service lgitime aussi bien qu'en ralit, une excellente voiture pour obtenir diverses autres personnes o elles dsirent dans la vie. Cela fait de l'ACN l'une des entreprises les plus recherches de la plante. Il vise liminer tout le prix de la commercialisation en permettant aux personnes de les rejoindre ainsi que les agents commercialisent leurs articles et leurs services. En bout de ligne, vous devez comprendre les meilleures faons de commercialiser correctement. Il existe un formulaire de retrait de version que vous pouvez utiliser rapidement pour informer l'entreprise de votre dcision de retrait.<br><br><h2>La Gamme Complte De Produits Et De Services D'ACN</h2><br><br>Cette entreprise est extrmement prcieuse la fois pour les propritaires de services ou les entrepreneurs indpendants (IBO) et les clients finis. Le problme est de persuader ou de recruter d'autres personnes afin que vous puissiez dvelopper votre rseau. Vous pourrez certainement gagner de l'argent via des rcompenses d'achat de client (Taxis). Juste un peu de service pourrait le faire beaucoup et ACN est l'un des quelques slectionns. En ce qui concerne les activits publicitaires multi-niveaux telles que l'ACN, beaucoup de gens supposent que c'est un schma pyramidal.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Dans une organisation de marketing multi-niveaux comme ACN, le <a href="">ACN</a> recrutement de personnes pour rejoindre votre rseau peut tre vraiment difficile. Avec le marketing en ligne, vous pouvez vous connecter facilement aux personnes qui souhaitent gagner un revenu rsiduel. Le dveloppement d'une grande socit de publicit multiniveaux peut tre assez difficile, mais l'amlioration de la technologie a tout rendu possible. Il n'y a aucune restriction quant savoir combien vous pouvez faire dans le service ACN.<br><br>Ces solutions sont la fois pour une utilisation personnelle et commerciale. Aujourd'hui, il ne fournit pas seulement des individus aux tats-Unis, mais aussi en Europe ainsi qu'en Asie-Pacifique. Juste ce qu'ils ont, c'est la volont, l'effort et l'engagement.<br><br><h3>Comment Obtenir Un Prt Au Service ACN?</h3>Lorsque vous avez dj une ligne descendante, vous finissez immdiatement par tre le leader de votre rseau. Sa procdure arrive plus de 23 nations dans divers continents dans le monde entier. En vrit, tous les revenus ne dpassent pas le sommet.Ces personnes ont besoin des articles et des services que vous offrez. Si vous tes significatif lors de l'adhsion ACN et galement dcid russir, aprs cela, vous devez appliquer les astuces discutes. La pyramide est galement interdite et insoutenable.<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Un Guide Complet Pour Les Personnes Qui Veulent Faire Partie D'acn Business - 18 Jul 2017 20:44


[[html]]<img src="" width="350" /><br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Avec ACN, vous pouvez commercialiser les produits ainsi que des solutions via le marketing standard ou utiliser la puissance de l'internet. Lorsqu'il implique la commercialisation du produit ou des services, vous ne devez pas vous inquiter parce qu'il y a une formation et des ateliers. Si vous tes la ligne descendante ainsi que vous avez l'intention de gnrer la mme quantit d'argent que l'upline, aprs cela, vous devriez vous efforcer ainsi d'utiliser exactement la mme approche utilise par l'upline.<br><br>Il sera dtermin en fonction du remboursement mensuel du client ainsi que de la nouvelle facture du reprsentant. Cela fait de l'ACN l'une des entreprises les plus recherches de <a href="">ACN</a> la plante. Mlm est un jeu vido en nombre aussi bien que vous devez proposer une mthode pour obtenir des individus sous vous. Il y a d'autres choses que vous devez vous rappeler. S'ils trouvent les dtails bnfiques pour eux, les perspectives donneront commodment leurs informations de contact.<br><br><h2>Les Avantages De S'inscrire ACN Network Marketing Business</h2><br><br>Une fois que vous atteignez un niveau spcifique de ventes ou de points, vous serez annonc pour regrouper le diplme d'instructeur. ACN est l'un des noms extrmement respectables de la socit de marketing multiniveau. Si vous souhaitez rellement dvelopper votre rseau la mthode la plus rapide, aprs cela, vous devez tirer le meilleur parti de la puissance de <a href="">ACN</a> l'internet. Une autre mthode de gagner de l'argent grce ACN la version du service contextlinks est en agissant comme agent de vente de l'entreprise. Les termes, la stratgie de compensation et les plans et les traitements sont tous noncs dans l'e-mail de vrification.<br><br>L'amlioration la plus rcente ACN est le produit de beaut. Soyez ouvert de nouvelles suggestions et soyez entraneur. La vido que vous avez produite dcrira chaque petite chose votre place et fera certainement tout le travail ncessaire. Si vous dsirez dvelopper votre rseau, vous devez compter sur vos copains et les participants de votre famille.<br><br>Tout le monde peut tre efficace tant que vous mettez le temps de dcouvrir les ins et les outs of business. Si jamais vous changez d'avis et que vous ne comptez pas faire partie d'ACN, vous pourriez toujours vous attendre dans la dure de retrait. Il existe une grande varit de services et de produits choisir.<br><br><h3>The Expanding Buzz About ACN Business</h3>Vous ne pouvez pas simplement compter sur vos proches membres pour rejoindre ACN. Il y a beaucoup d'individus dans le quartier ACN qui acceptent de vous aider russir parce que votre succs est leur aussi.De l'autre ct, si vous faites plus que les attentes de l'entreprise, vous obtiendrez certainement l'annonce. Via le marketing sur Internet, vous pouvez facilement vous connecter aux personnes qui souhaitent gagner des gains rsiduels.<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Pouvez-Vous Effectuer Des Revenus Rsiduels En Vous Inscrivant Avec Acn? - 17 Jul 2017 09:39


[[html]]<img src="" width="400" /><br><br>Avec ACN, vous pouvez commercialiser les produits ainsi que des solutions via le marketing standard ou utiliser la puissance de l'internet. Ils ont commenc utiliser des services et des produits comme le service tlphonique rgional et lointain, la scurit la maison, la tlvision par satellite, internet, ainsi que beaucoup plus. Il vous permet de fonctionner et de faire directement dans le confort de votre rsidence personnelle.<br><br>Cependant, comme vous l'accompagnez, vous aurez certainement la possibilit de dcouvrir les astuces de marketing pour les individus alatoires. Les crateurs d'ACN sont des experts expriments en marketing de rseau et sont galement conscients qu'il ncessite un lment feuilles persistantes et le meilleur tat d'esprit pour russir dans le commerce multiniveau. Avec cette conception commerciale, vous serez attribu en fonction de vos ventes en plus d'un groupe de cration. Vous allez certainement tre conomiquement indpendant et, en mme temps, tre en mesure d'aider les autres via les lments et les services d'ACN. C'est un participant de l'organisation de marketing direct et galement reconnu par le Bbb.<br><br><h2>Un Aperu Complet Pour Les Personnes Qui Souhaitaient Tre Une Composante D'ACN Business</h2><br><br>C'est un march un milliard de dollars et n'importe qui pourrait y participer. Il n'y a pas d'autre moyen pour ACN d'tre une arnaque car elle offre des services et des produits de qualit suprieure offerts un prix comptitif. Il y a des gens <a href="">ACN Telecommunications</a> qui cessent de fonctionner et, trs probablement, les raisons ne sont pas exactement ce qu'il faut pour devenir un entrepreneur indpendant russi. Certaines personnes pourraient ACN se demander s'il s'agit d'un schma pyramidal. Les termes, la stratgie de compensation et les plans et les traitements sont tous noncs dans l'e-mail de vrification.<br><br>La simplification de la version commerciale ACN en fait une entreprise possible pour tous. Naturellement, ils sont aliments par une alimentation lectrique. Vous devez faire le travail et vous joindre autant de personnes possible; Pas seulement votre famille et vos amis, mais des individus arbitraires. Tout le monde peut entrer en vigueur tant que vous prenez le temps de dcouvrir les tenants et les abonns de l'entreprise.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Vous devez connatre les ins et aussi les sorties de l'entreprise, proposer une technique examine et confirme, embaucher d'autres personnes, et leur indiquer exactement ce que vous faites afin qu'elles puissent l'instruire d'autres personnes. Cette organisation est trs utile la fois pour les propritaires d'entreprise ou les entrepreneurs indpendants (IBO) et aussi pour finir les utilisateurs. Le site reprsentatif est facultatif et inclut un service de rapport d'quipe.<br><br><h3>Combien Cela Vous Cotera-T-Il De Vous Inscrire Avec ACN?</h3>Si vous tablissez dj un partenariat avec votre exemple, il est temps de fournir la possibilit de votre entreprise. Il faudra certainement une formation et des efforts pour obtenir le sommet, mais a va certainement en valoir la peine.Vous n'aurez pas la possibilit de commercialiser l'chelle mondiale. Commencez votre temps dcouvrir les ins et aussi les outs of business, car c'est l'un des secrets importants prosprer. Plus le rseau <a href="">ACN Reviews</a> est grand, plus vous gagnez d'argent.<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

ACN Video Phones Bring the Future to Life by John Scevola - 02 Jul 2017 11:22


[[html]]Just a few short years ago, had you mentioned the word iPod, very few people would've known what you were talking about. Now the technology is in tens of millions of homes and continuing to grow in popularity. Likewise, many feel we are witnessing a shift in the way we communicate and devices unfamiliar to people yesterday will be all the rage in no time. And the device getting all the attention is the video phone.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="305" /><br><br>The video phone's functionality is made possible by something almost every home already has: the Internet. The high-speed connection we rely on to bring information to our computer screens can <a href="">ACN</a> also carry our voices over the line. The technology is called VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP is the backbone of the latest breakthrough in telecommunications, digital phone service.
<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="310" /><br><br>On its own, digital phone service sounds pretty appealing: unlimited calls, cheaper phone bills, great features and more. But combined with a video phone, digital phone service looks amazing. Video phones let users see one another rather than simply hearing each other's voice on the line. Though it may sound, or look, too good to be true, most analysts agree that video phones will be present in the majority of households in the very near future.
<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="302" /><br><br>One company is already making strides in bringing this futuristic technology to our everyday lives. ACN, the world's largest direct selling telecommunications company, is also one of the world's largest distributor of video phones. The company got started ahead of the curve and is poised to be a pivotal player in the video phone market as these devices become more commonplace.
<br><br>"Seeing the person you are talking to on the phone is no longer a technology of the future," said Robert Stevanovski, Chairman and Co-founder of ACN. "The video phone is something consumers are taking advantage of right now and it has become an integral focus of our company over the past few years. We believe that video phones will become just as common in households as we have seen before with other recent technological advancements, such as high-speed internet, mobile phones and iPods."
<br><br>As evidence of their commitment to the success of video phones, ACN has built its own VoIP network across the U.S. and Europe to support its video phone and digital phone service.
<br><br>The product has a "wow factor", the initial impression the video phone makes on its user when they experience for the first time what it's like to see the person they're talking to. In addition, video phones are incredibly easy to use, therefore ensuring users will want to take one home and put it to use long after the excitement has worn off.
<br><br>The digital phone service, on which the video phone operates, simply runs on your existing Internet connection. To set up a video phone, you simply plug it in to a power source and attach the Internet connection. It's just that simple. Video phones and digital phone service can be used to call any other type of phones whether traditional, mobile or video. And like a mobile phone, your video phone can accompany you anywhere there's an Internet connection, so if you have to travel across the country, your video phone can connect you back home to see the ones you love.
<br><br>It's futuristic technology, only it's here now. And if ACN provides any indication of what the future holds for this exciting device, the sky's the limit. Digital video phones may just be the next wave of technology that truly changes the way we communicate.
<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Dread Performance Reviews? This Company's Getting Rid Of Them - 18 Jun 2017 12:38


[[html]]Is the era of employee performance reviews and rankings coming to an end?<br><br>That's the question buzzing in the air this week after Accenture, one of the world's largest companies, announced its decision to toss these nail-biting measures of employee success out the window.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="305" /><br><br>Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme told The Washington Post that starting in September, the performance of the company's 330,000 staffers will no longer be judged based on company rankings and annual evaluations. Instead, the professional services firm will implement "a more fluid system, in which employees receive timely feedback from their managers on an ongoing basis following assignments."<br><br>"All this terminology of rankings — forcing rankings along some distribution curve or whatever — we're done with that," Nanterme said. "We're going to evaluate you in your role, not vis vis someone else who might work in Washington, who might work in Bangalore. It's irrelevant. It should be about you."<br><br>Nantermeadded that this change will fundamentally, and dramatically, alter the company's performance management process.<br><br>"It's huge," Nantermesaid. "We're going to get rid of probably 90 percent of what we did in the past."<br><br>Accenture joins the ranks of several big-name companiesthat have, in recent years, done away with this source of employee stress.<br><br>The Post, citing <a href="">ACN</a> data from management research firm CEB, reports that six percent of Fortune 500 companies have stopped using annual performance reviews and forced rankings.Microsoft, Adobe, Expediaand Motorolaare <a href="">ACN</a> some of the companies that have recently overhauled their employee review system.<br><br>Some studies have shown that performance reviews and rankingsdon't improve, and may actually hurt, performance.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="314" /><br><br>"The reality is that the traditional performance appraisal as practiced in the majority of organizations today is fundamentally flawed and incongruent with our values-based, vision-driven and collaborative work environments," Ray Williams, author of "The Leadership Edge,"wrote for Psychology Today last year.<br><br>Reviews and rankings have also been described as being too time-consuming, expensive and generally ineffective.<br><br>However, some companies and business consultants have defended the system. Victor Lipman, a retired Fortune 500 CEO, wrote in post that reviews and rankings can bring a sort of"disciplined rigor" to the management process.<br><br>Should companies get rid of performance reviews and rankings? Weigh in below.<br><br>This page contains materials from The Huffington Post and/or other third party writers. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") has not selected or reviewed such third party content and it does not necessarily reflect the views of PwC. PwC does not endorse and is not affiliated with any such third party. The materials are provided for general information purposes only, should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors, and PwC shall have no liability or responsibility in connection therewith.<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Telecommunication - 16 Jun 2017 06:57


[[html]]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br><br>Not to be confused with Teleconnection.<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="220" height="198" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2219" data-file-height="2000"/><br><br>Earth station at the satellite communication facility in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="220" height="220" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="1280" data-file-height="1280"/><br><br>Visualization from the Opte Project of the various routes through a portion of the Internet<br><br>Telecommunication is the transmission of signs, signals, messages, words, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.[1][2] Telecommunication occurs when the exchange of information between communication participants includes the use of technology. It is transmitted either electrically over physical media, such as cables, or via electromagnetic radiation.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Such transmission paths are often divided into communication channels which afford the advantages of multiplexing. The term is often used in its plural form, telecommunications, because it involves many different technologies.<br><br>Early means of communicating over a distance included visual signals, such as beacons, smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs.[9] Other examples of pre-modern long-distance communication included audio messages such as coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, and loud whistles. 20th and 21st century technologies for long-distance communication usually involve electrical and electromagnetic technologies, such as telegraph, telephone, and teleprinter, networks, radio, microwave transmission, fiber optics, and communications satellites.<br><br>A revolution in wireless communication began in the first decade of the 20th century with the pioneering developments in radio communications by Guglielmo Marconi, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909. Other notable pioneering inventors and developers in the field of electrical and electronic telecommunications include Charles Wheatstone and Samuel Morse (inventors of the telegraph), Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone), Edwin Armstrong and Lee de Forest (inventors of radio), as well as Vladimir K. Zworykin, John Logie Baird and Philo Farnsworth (some of the inventors of television).<br><br>Contents<br><br>1 Etymology<br><br>2 History<br><br>2.1 Beacons and pigeons<br><br>2.2 Telegraph and telephone<br><br>2.3 Radio and television<br><br>2.4 Computers and the Internet<br><br>3 Key concepts<br><br>3.1 Basic elements<br><br>3.2 Analog versus digital communications<br><br>3.3 Telecommunication networks<br><br>3.4 Communication channels<br><br>3.5 Modulation<br><br>4 Society<br><br>4.1 Economic impact<br><br>4.1.1 Microeconomics<br><br>4.1.2 Macroeconomics<br><br>4.2 Social impact<br><br>4.3 Other impacts<br><br>5 Government<br><br>6 Modern media<br><br>6.1 Worldwide equipment sales<br><br>6.2 Telephone<br><br>6.3 Radio and television<br><br>6.4 Internet<br><br>6.5 Local area networks and wide area networks<br><br>7 Transmission capacity<br><br>8 See also<br><br>9 References<br><br>9.1 Citations<br><br>9.2 Bibliography<br><br>10 External links<br><br>Etymology<br><br>The word telecommunication is a compound of the Greek prefix tele (????), meaning distant, far off, or afar,[10] and the Latin communicare, meaning to share. Its modern use is adapted from the French,[7] because its written use was recorded in 1904 by the French engineer and novelist douard Estauni.[11][12]Communication was first used as an English word in the late 14th century. It comes from Old French comunicacion (14c., Modern French communication), from Latin communicationem (nominative communicatio), noun of action from past participle stem of communicare "to share, divide out; communicate, impart, inform; join, unite, participate in," literally "to make common," from communis".[13]<br><br>History<br><br>For more details on this topic, see History of telecommunication.<br><br>Beacons and pigeons<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="170" height="227" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="1200" data-file-height="1600"/><br><br>A replica of one of Chappe's semaphore towers<br><br>Homing pigeons have occasionally been used throughout history by different cultures. Pigeon post had Persian roots, and was later used by the Romans to aid their military. Frontinus said that Julius Caesar used pigeons as messengers in his conquest of Gaul.[14] The Greeks also conveyed the names of the victors at the Olympic Games to various cities using homing pigeons.[15] In the early 19th century, the Dutch government used the system in Java and Sumatra. And in 1849, Paul Julius Reuter started a pigeon service to fly stock prices between Aachen and Brussels, a service that operated for a year until the gap in the telegraph link was closed.[16]<br><br>In the Middle Ages, chains of beacons were commonly used on hilltops as a means of relaying a signal. Beacon chains suffered the drawback that they could only pass a single bit of information, so the meaning of the message such as "the enemy has been sighted" had to be agreed upon in advance. One notable instance of their use was during the Spanish Armada, when a beacon chain relayed a signal from Plymouth to London.[17]<br><br>In 1792, Claude Chappe, a French engineer, built the first fixed visual telegraphy system (or semaphore line) between Lille and Paris.[18] However semaphore suffered from the need for skilled operators and expensive towers at intervals of ten to thirty kilometres (six to nineteen miles). As a result of competition from the electrical telegraph, the last commercial line was abandoned in 1880.[19]<br><br>Telegraph and telephone<br><br>Sir Charles Wheatstone and Sir William Fothergill Cooke invented the electric telegraph in 1837.[20] Also, the first commercial electrical telegraph is purported to have been constructed by Wheatstone and Cooke and opened on 9 April 1839. Both inventors viewed their device as "an improvement to the [existing] electromagnetic telegraph" not as a new device.[21]<br><br>Samuel Morse independently developed a version of the electrical telegraph that he unsuccessfully demonstrated on 2 September 1837. His code was an important advance over Wheatstone's signaling method. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was successfully completed on 27 July 1866, allowing transatlantic telecommunication for the first time.[22]<br><br>The conventional telephone was invented independently by Alexander Bell and Elisha Gray in 1876.[23]Antonio Meucci invented the first device that allowed the electrical transmission of voice over a line in 1849. However Meucci's device was of little practical value because it relied upon the electrophonic effect and thus required users to place the receiver in their mouth to "hear" what was being said.[24] The first commercial telephone services were set-up in 1878 and 1879 on both sides of the Atlantic in the cities of New Haven and London.[25][26]<br><br>Radio and television<br><br>In 1832, James Lindsay gave a classroom demonstration of wireless telegraphy to his students. By 1854, he was able to demonstrate a transmission across the Firth of Tay from Dundee, Scotland to Woodhaven, a distance of two miles (3km), using water as the transmission medium.[27] In December 1901, Guglielmo Marconi established wireless communication between St. John's, Newfoundland (Canada) and Poldhu, Cornwall (England), earning him the 1909 Nobel Prize in physics (which he shared with Karl Braun).[28] However small-scale radio communication had already been demonstrated in 1893 by Nikola Tesla in a presentation to the National Electric Light Association.[29]<br><br>On 25 March 1925, John Logie Baird was able to demonstrate the transmission of moving pictures at the London department store Selfridges. Baird's device relied upon the Nipkow disk and thus became known as the mechanical television. It formed the basis of experimental broadcasts done by the British Broadcasting Corporation beginning 30 September 1929.[30] However, for most of the twentieth century televisions depended upon the cathode ray tube invented by Karl Braun. The first version of such a television to show promise was produced by Philo Farnsworth and demonstrated to his family on 7 September 1927.[31]<br><br>Computers and the Internet<br><br>On 11 September 1940, George Stibitz transmitted problems for his Complex Number Calculator in New York using a teletype, and received the computed results back at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.[32] This configuration of a centralized computer (mainframe) with <a href="">ACN</a> remote dumb terminals remained popular well into the 1970s. However, already in the 1960s, researchers started to investigate packet switching, a technology that sends a message in portions to its destination asynchronously without passing it through a centralized mainframe. A four-node network emerged on 5 December 1969, constituting the beginnings of the ARPANET, which by 1981 had grown to 213 nodes.[33] ARPANET eventually merged with other networks to form the Internet. While Internet development was a focus of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) who published a series of Request for Comment documents, other networking advancement occurred in industrial laboratories, such as the local area network (LAN) developments of Ethernet (1983) and the token ring protocol (1984).<br><br>Key concepts<br><br>Modern telecommunication is founded on a series of key concepts that experienced progressive development and refinement in a period of well over a century.<br><br>Basic elements<br><br>Telecommunication technologies may primarily be divided into wired and wireless methods. Overall though, a basic telecommunication system consists of three main parts that are always present in some form or another:<br><br>A transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal.<br><br>A transmission medium, also called the physical channel that carries the signal. An example of this is the "free space channel".<br><br>A receiver that takes the signal from the channel and converts it back into usable information for the recipient.<br><br>For example, in a radio broadcasting station the station's large power amplifier is the transmitter; and the broadcasting antenna is the interface between the power amplifier and the "free space channel". The free space channel is the transmission medium; and the receiver's antenna is the interface between the free space channel and the receiver. Next, the radio receiver is the destination of the radio signal, and this is where it is converted from electricity to sound for people to listen to.<br><br>Sometimes, telecommunication systems are "duplex" (two-way systems) with a single box of electronics working as both the transmitter and a receiver, or a transceiver. For example, a cellular telephone is a transceiver.[34] The transmission electronics and the receiver electronics within a transceiver are actually quite independent of each other. This can be readily explained by the fact that radio transmitters contain power amplifiers that operate with electrical powers measured in watts or kilowatts, but radio receivers deal with radio powers that are measured in the microwatts or nanowatts. Hence, transceivers have to be carefully designed and built to isolate their high-power circuitry and their low-power circuitry from each other, as to not cause interference.<br><br>Telecommunication over fixed lines is called point-to-point communication because it is between one transmitter and one receiver. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter and numerous low-power but sensitive radio receivers.[34]<br><br>Telecommunications in which multiple transmitters and multiple receivers have been designed to cooperate and to share the same physical channel are called multiplex systems. The sharing of physical channels using multiplexing often gives very large reductions in costs. Multiplexed systems are laid out in telecommunication networks, and the multiplexed signals are switched at nodes through to the correct destination terminal receiver.<br><br>Analog versus digital communications<br><br>Communications signals can be sent either by analog signals or digital signals. There are analog communication systems and digital communication systems. For an analog signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values (for example, a set of ones and zeros). During the propagation and reception, the information contained in analog signals will inevitably be degraded by undesirable physical noise. (The output of a transmitter is noise-free for all practical purposes.) Commonly, the noise in a communication system can be expressed as adding or subtracting from the desirable signal in a completely random way. This form of noise is called additive noise, with the understanding that the noise can be negative or positive at different instants of time. Noise that is not additive noise is a much more difficult situation to describe or analyze, and these other kinds of noise will be omitted here.<br><br>On the other hand, unless the additive noise disturbance exceeds a certain threshold, the information contained in digital signals will remain intact. Their resistance to noise represents a key advantage of digital signals over analog signals.[35]<br><br>Telecommunication networks<br><br>A telecommunications network is a collection of transmitters, receivers, and communications channels that send messages to one another. Some digital communications networks contain one or more routers that work together to transmit information to the correct user. An analog communications network consists of one or more switches that establish a connection between two or more users. For both types of network, repeaters may be necessary to amplify or recreate the signal when it is being transmitted over long distances. This is to combat attenuation that can render the signal indistinguishable from the noise.[36] Another advantage of digital systems over analog is that their output is easier to store in memory, i.e. two voltage states (high and low) are easier to store than a continuous range of states.<br><br>Communication channels<br><br>The term "channel" has two different meanings. In one meaning, a channel is the physical medium that carries a signal between the transmitter and the receiver. Examples of this include the atmosphere for sound communications, glass optical fibers for some kinds of optical communications, coaxial cables for communications by way of the voltages and electric currents in them, and free space for communications using visible light, infrared waves, ultraviolet light, and radio waves. This last channel is called the "free space channel". The sending of radio waves from one place to another has nothing to do with the presence or absence of an atmosphere between the two. Radio waves travel through a perfect vacuum just as easily as they travel through air, fog, clouds, or any other kind of gas.<br><br>The other meaning of the term "channel" in telecommunications is seen in the phrase communications channel, which is a subdivision of a transmission medium so that it can be used to send multiple streams of information simultaneously. For example, one radio station can broadcast radio waves into free space at frequencies in the neighborhood of 94.5MHz (megahertz) while another radio station can simultaneously broadcast radio waves at frequencies in the neighborhood of 96.1MHz. Each radio station would transmit radio waves over a frequency bandwidth of about 180kHz (kilohertz), centered at frequencies such as the above, which are called the "carrier frequencies". Each station in this example is separated from its adjacent stations by 200kHz, and the difference between 200kHz and 180kHz (20kHz) is an engineering allowance for the imperfections in the communication system.<br><br>In the example above, the "free space channel" has been divided into communications channels according to frequencies, and each channel is assigned a separate frequency bandwidth in which to broadcast radio waves. This system of dividing the medium into channels according to frequency is called "frequency-division multiplexing". Another term for the same concept is "wavelength-division multiplexing", which is more commonly used in optical communications when multiple transmitters share the same physical medium.<br><br>Another way of dividing a communications medium into channels is to allocate each sender a recurring segment of time (a "time slot", for example, 20 milliseconds out of each second), and to allow each sender to send messages only within its own time slot. This method of dividing the medium into communication channels is called "time-division multiplexing" (TDM), and is used in optical fiber communication. Some radio communication systems use TDM within an allocated FDM channel. Hence, these systems use a hybrid of TDM and FDM.<br><br>Modulation<br><br>The shaping of a signal to convey information is known as modulation. Modulation can be used to represent a digital message as an analog waveform. This is commonly called "keying" - a term derived from the older use of Morse Code in telecommunications - and several keying techniques exist (these include phase-shift keying, frequency-shift keying, and amplitude-shift keying). The "Bluetooth" system, for example, uses phase-shift keying to exchange information between various devices.[37][38] In addition, there are combinations of phase-shift keying and amplitude-shift keying which is called (in the jargon of the field) "quadrature amplitude modulation" (QAM) that are used in high-capacity digital radio communication systems.<br><br>Modulation can also be used to transmit the information of low-frequency analog signals at higher frequencies. This is helpful because low-frequency analog signals cannot be effectively transmitted over free space. Hence the information from a low-frequency analog signal must be impressed into a higher-frequency signal (known as the "carrier wave") before transmission. There are several different modulation schemes available to achieve this [two of the most basic being amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM)]. An example of this process is a disc jockey's voice being impressed into a 96MHz carrier wave using frequency modulation (the voice would then be received on a radio as the channel "96FM").[39] In addition, modulation has the advantage that it may use frequency division multiplexing (FDM).<br><br>Society<br><br>Telecommunication has a significant social, cultural and economic impact on modern society. In 2008, estimates placed the telecommunication industry's revenue at $4.7 trillion or just under 3 percent of the gross world product (official exchange rate).[40] Several following sections discuss the impact of telecommunication on society.<br><br>Economic impact<br><br>Microeconomics<br><br>On the microeconomic scale, companies have used telecommunications to help build global business empires. This is self-evident in the case of online retailer but, according to academic Edward Lenert, even the conventional retailer Walmart has benefited from better telecommunication infrastructure compared to its competitors.[41] In cities throughout the world, home owners use their telephones to order and arrange a variety of home services ranging from pizza deliveries to electricians. Even relatively poor communities have been noted to use telecommunication to their advantage. In Bangladesh's Narshingdi district, isolated villagers use cellular phones to speak directly to wholesalers and arrange a better price for their goods. In Cte d'Ivoire, coffee growers share mobile phones to follow hourly variations in coffee prices and sell at the best price.[42]<br><br>Macroeconomics<br><br>On the macroeconomic scale, Lars-Hendrik Rller and Leonard Waverman suggested a causal link between good telecommunication infrastructure and economic growth.[43][44] Few dispute the existence of a correlation although some argue it is wrong to view the relationship as causal.[45]<br><br>Because of the economic benefits of good telecommunication infrastructure, there is increasing worry about the inequitable access to telecommunication services amongst various countries of the worldthis is known as the digital divide. A 2003 survey by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) revealed that roughly a third of countries have fewer than one mobile subscription for every 20 people and one-third of countries have fewer than one land-line telephone subscription for every 20 people. In terms of Internet access, roughly half of all countries have fewer than one out of 20 people with Internet access. From this information, as well as educational data, the ITU was able to compile an index that measures the overall ability of citizens to access and use information and communication technologies.[46] Using this measure, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland received the highest ranking while the African countries Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Mali received the lowest.[47]<br><br>Social impact<br><br>Telecommunication has played a significant role in social relationships. Nevertheless, devices like the telephone system were originally advertised with an emphasis on the practical dimensions of the device (such as the ability to conduct business or order home services) as opposed to the social dimensions. It was not until the late 1920s and 1930s that the social dimensions of the device became a prominent theme in telephone advertisements. New promotions started appealing to consumers' emotions, stressing the importance of social conversations and staying connected to family and friends.[48]<br><br>Since then the role that telecommunications has played in social relations has become increasingly important. In recent years, the popularity of social networking sites has increased dramatically. These sites allow users to communicate with each other as well as post photographs, events and profiles for others to see. The profiles can list a person's age, interests, sexual preference and relationship status. In this way, these sites can play important role in everything from organising social engagements to courtship.[49]<br><br>Prior to social networking sites, technologies like short message service (SMS) and the telephone also had a significant impact on social interactions. In 2000, market research group Ipsos MORI reported that 81% of 15- to 24-year-old SMS users in the United Kingdom had used the service to coordinate social arrangements and 42% to flirt.[50]<br><br>Other impacts<br><br>News source preference<br><br>of Americans in 2006.[51]<br><br>Local TV<br><br>59%<br><br>National TV<br><br>47%<br><br>Radio<br><br>44%<br><br>Local paper<br><br>38%<br><br>Internet<br><br>23%<br><br>National paper<br><br>12%<br><br>Survey permitted multiple answers<br><br>In cultural terms, telecommunication has increased the public's ability to access music and film. With television, people can watch films they have not seen before in their own home without having to travel to the video store or cinema. With radio and the Internet, people can listen to music they have not heard before without having to travel to the music store.<br><br>Telecommunication has also transformed the way people receive their news. A 2006 survey (right table) of slightly more than 3,000 Americans by the non-profit Pew Internet and American Life Project in the United States the majority specified television or radio over newspapers.<br><br>Telecommunication has had an equally significant impact on advertising. TNS Media Intelligence reported that in 2007, 58% of advertising expenditure in the United States was spent on media that depend upon telecommunication.[52]<br><br>Advertising expenditures in US in 2007<br><br>Medium<br><br>Spending<br><br>Internet<br><br>7.6%<br><br>$11.31 billion<br><br>Radio<br><br>7.2%<br><br>$10.69 billion<br><br>Cable TV<br><br>12.1%<br><br>$18.02 billion<br><br>Syndicated TV<br><br>2.8%<br><br>$4.17 billion<br><br>Spot TV<br><br>11.3%<br><br>$16.82 billion<br><br>Network TV<br><br>17.1%<br><br>$25.42 billion<br><br>Newspaper<br><br>18.9%<br><br>$28.22 billion<br><br>Magazine<br><br>20.4%<br><br>$30.33 billion<br><br>Outdoor<br><br>2.7%<br><br>$4.02 billion<br><br>Total<br><br>100%<br><br>$149 billion<br><br>Government<br><br>Many countries have enacted legislation which conforms to the International Telecommunication Regulations established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is the "leading UN agency for information and communication technology issues."[53] In 1947, at the Atlantic City Conference, the ITU decided to "afford international protection to all frequencies registered in a new international frequency list and used in conformity with the Radio Regulation." According to the ITU's Radio Regulations adopted in Atlantic City, all frequencies referenced in the International Frequency Registration Board, examined by the board and registered on the International Frequency List "shall have the right to international protection from harmful interference."[54]<br><br>From a global perspective, there have been political debates and legislation regarding the management of telecommunication and broadcasting. The history of broadcasting discusses some debates in relation to balancing conventional communication such as printing and telecommunication such as radio broadcasting.[55] The onset of World War II brought on the first explosion of international broadcasting propaganda.[55] Countries, their governments, insurgents, terrorists, and militiamen have all used telecommunication and broadcasting techniques to promote propaganda.[55][56] Patriotic propaganda for political movements and colonization started the mid-1930s. In 1936, the BBC broadcast propaganda to the Arab World to partly counter similar broadcasts from Italy, which also had colonial interests in North Africa.[55]<br><br>Modern insurgents, such as those in the latest Iraq war, often use intimidating telephone calls, SMSs and the distribution of sophisticated videos of an attack on coalition troops within hours of the operation. "The Sunni insurgents even have their own television station, Al-Zawraa, which while banned by the Iraqi government, still broadcasts from Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, even as coalition pressure has forced it to switch satellite hosts several times."[56]<br><br>On 10 November 2014, President Obama recommended the Federal Communications Commission reclassify broadband Internet service as a telecommunications service in order to preserve net neutrality.[57][58]<br><br>Modern media<br><br>Worldwide equipment sales<br><br>According to data collected by Gartner[59][60] and Ars Technica[61] sales of main consumer's telecommunication equipment worldwide in millions of units was:<br><br>Equipment / year<br><br>1975<br><br>1980<br><br>1985<br><br>1990<br><br>1994<br><br>1996<br><br>1998<br><br>2000<br><br>2002<br><br>2004<br><br>2006<br><br>2008<br><br>Computers<br><br>0<br><br>1<br><br>8<br><br>20<br><br>40<br><br>75<br><br>100<br><br>135<br><br>130<br><br>175<br><br>230<br><br>280<br><br>Cell phones<br><br>N/A<br><br>N/A<br><br>N/A<br><br>N/A<br><br>N/A<br><br>N/A<br><br>180<br><br>400<br><br>420<br><br>660<br><br>830<br><br>1000<br><br>Telephone<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="170" height="257" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="350" data-file-height="529"/><br><br>Optical fiber provides cheaper bandwidth for long distance communication.<br><br>In a telephone network, the caller is connected to the person they want to talk to by switches at various telephone exchanges. The switches form an electrical connection between the two users and the setting of these switches is determined electronically when the caller dials the number. Once the connection is made, the caller's voice is transformed to an electrical signal using a small microphone in the caller's handset. This electrical signal is then sent through the network to the user at the other end where it is transformed back into sound by a small speaker in that person's handset.<br><br>The landline telephones in most residential homes are analogthat is, the speaker's voice directly determines the signal's voltage. Although short-distance calls may be handled from end-to-end as analog signals, increasingly telephone service providers are transparently converting the signals to digital signals for transmission. The advantage of this is that digitized voice data can travel side-by-side with data from the Internet and can be perfectly reproduced in long distance communication (as opposed to analog signals that are inevitably impacted by noise).<br><br>Mobile phones have had a significant impact on telephone networks. Mobile phone subscriptions now outnumber fixed-line subscriptions in many markets. Sales of mobile phones in 2005 totalled 816.6 million with that figure being almost equally shared amongst the markets of Asia/Pacific (204 m), Western Europe (164 m), CEMEA (Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa) (153.5 m), North America (148 m) and Latin America (102 m).[62] In terms of new subscriptions over the five years from 1999, Africa has outpaced other markets with 58.2% growth.[63] Increasingly these phones are being serviced by systems where the voice content is transmitted digitally such as GSM or W-CDMA with many markets choosing to deprecate analog systems such as AMPS.[64]<br><br>There have also been dramatic changes in telephone communication behind the scenes. Starting with the operation of TAT-8 in 1988, the 1990s saw the widespread adoption of systems based on optical fibers. The benefit of communicating with optic fibers is that they offer a drastic increase in data capacity. TAT-8 itself was able to carry 10 times as many telephone calls as the last copper cable laid at that time and today's optic fibre cables are able to carry 25 times as many telephone calls as TAT-8.[65] This increase in data capacity is due to several factors: First, optic fibres are physically much smaller than competing technologies. Second, they do not suffer from crosstalk which means several hundred of them can be easily bundled together in a single cable.[66] Lastly, improvements in multiplexing have led to an exponential growth in the data capacity of a single fibre.[67][68]<br><br>Assisting communication across many modern optic fibre networks is a protocol known as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The ATM protocol allows for the side-by-side data transmission mentioned in the second paragraph. It is suitable for public telephone networks because it establishes a pathway for data through the network and associates a traffic contract with that pathway. The traffic contract is essentially an agreement between the client and the network about how the network is to handle the data; if the network cannot meet the conditions of the traffic contract it does not accept the connection. This is important because telephone calls can negotiate a contract so as to guarantee themselves a constant bit rate, something that will ensure a caller's voice is not delayed in parts or cut off completely.[69] There are competitors to ATM, such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), that perform a similar task and are expected to supplant ATM in the future.[70][71]<br><br>Radio and television<br><br>Main articles: Radio, Television, and Broadcasting<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="300" height="152" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="940" data-file-height="477"/><br><br>Digital television standards and their adoption worldwide<br><br>In a broadcast system, the central high-powered broadcast tower transmits a high-frequency electromagnetic wave to numerous low-powered receivers. The high-frequency wave sent by the tower is modulated with a signal containing visual or audio information. The receiver is then tuned so as to pick up the high-frequency wave and a demodulator is used to retrieve the signal containing the visual or audio information. The broadcast signal can be either analog (signal is varied continuously with respect to the information) or digital (information is encoded as a set of discrete values).[34][72]<br><br>The broadcast media industry is at a critical turning point in its development, with many countries moving from analog to digital broadcasts. This move is made possible by the production of cheaper, faster and more capable integrated circuits. The chief advantage of digital broadcasts is that they prevent a number of complaints common to traditional analog broadcasts. For television, this includes the elimination of problems such as snowy pictures, ghosting and other distortion. These occur because of the nature of analog transmission, which means that perturbations due to noise will be evident in the final output. Digital transmission overcomes this problem because digital signals are reduced to discrete values upon reception and hence small perturbations do not affect the final output. In a simplified example, if a binary message 1011 was transmitted with signal amplitudes [1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0] and received with signal amplitudes [0.9 0.2 1.1 0.9] it would still decode to the binary message 1011 — a perfect reproduction of what was sent. From this example, a problem with digital transmissions can also be seen in that if the noise is great enough it can significantly alter the decoded message. Using forward error correction a receiver can correct a handful of bit errors in the resulting message but too much noise will lead to incomprehensible output and hence a breakdown of the transmission.[73][74]<br><br>In digital television broadcasting, there are three competing standards that are likely to be adopted worldwide. These are the ATSC, DVB and ISDB standards; the adoption of these standards thus far is presented in the captioned map. All three standards use MPEG-2 for video compression. ATSC uses Dolby Digital AC-3 for audio compression, ISDB uses Advanced Audio Coding (MPEG-2 Part 7) and DVB has no standard for audio compression but typically uses MPEG-1 Part 3 Layer 2.[75][76] The choice of modulation also varies between the schemes. In digital audio broadcasting, standards are much more unified with practically all countries choosing to adopt the Digital Audio Broadcasting standard (also known as the Eureka 147 standard). The exception is the United States which has chosen to adopt HD Radio. HD Radio, unlike Eureka 147, is based upon a transmission method known as in-band on-channel transmission that allows digital information to "piggyback" on normal AM or FM analog transmissions.[77]<br><br>However, despite the pending switch to digital, analog television remains being transmitted in most countries. An exception is the United States that ended analog television transmission (by all but the very low-power TV stations) on 12 June 2009[78] after twice delaying the switchover deadline,Kenya also ended analog television transmission in December 2014 after multiple delays. For analog television, there are three standards in use for broadcasting color TV (see a map on adoption here). These are known as PAL (German designed), NTSC (North American designed), and SECAM (French designed). (It is important to understand that these are the ways of sending color TV, and they do not have anything to do with the standards for black & white TV, which also vary from country to country.) For analog radio, the switch to digital radio is made more difficult by the fact that analog receivers are sold at a small fraction of the price of digital receivers.[79][80] The choice of modulation for analog radio is typically between amplitude (AM) or frequency modulation (FM). To achieve stereo playback, an amplitude modulated subcarrier is used for stereo FM.<br><br>Internet<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="260" height="306" class="thumbimage" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="476" data-file-height="560"/><br><br>The OSI reference model<br><br>The Internet is a worldwide network of computers and computer networks that communicate with each other using the Internet Protocol.[81] Any computer on the Internet has a unique IP address that can be used by other computers to route information to it. Hence, any computer on the Internet can send a message to any other computer using its IP address. These messages carry with them the originating computer's IP address allowing for two-way communication. The Internet is thus an exchange of messages between computers.[82]<br><br>It is estimated that the 51% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 2000 were flowing through the Internet (most of the rest (42%) through the landline telephone). By the year 2007 the Internet clearly dominated and captured 97% of all the information in telecommunication networks (most of the rest (2%) through mobile phones).[83] As of 2008, an estimated 21.9% of the world population has access to the Internet with the highest access rates (measured as a percentage of the population) in North America (73.6%), Oceania/Australia (59.5%) and Europe (48.1%).[84] In terms of broadband access, Iceland (26.7%), South Korea (25.4%) and the Netherlands (25.3%) led the world.[85]<br><br>The Internet works in part because of protocols that govern how the computers and routers communicate with each other. The nature of computer network communication lends itself to a layered approach where individual protocols in the protocol stack run more-or-less independently of other protocols. This allows lower-level protocols to be customized for the network situation while not changing the way higher-level protocols operate. A practical example of why this is important is because it allows an Internet browser to run the same code regardless of whether the computer it is running on is connected to the Internet through an Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection. Protocols are often talked about in terms of their place in the OSI reference model (pictured on the right), which emerged in 1983 as the first step in an unsuccessful attempt to build a universally adopted networking protocol suite.[86]<br><br>For the Internet, the physical medium and data link protocol can vary several times as packets traverse the globe. This is because the Internet places no constraints on what physical medium or data link protocol is used. This leads to the adoption of media and protocols that best suit the local network situation. In practice, most intercontinental communication will use the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol (or a modern equivalent) on top of optic fiber. This is because for most intercontinental communication the Internet shares the same infrastructure as the public switched telephone network.<br><br>At the network layer, things become standardized with the Internet Protocol (IP) being adopted for logical addressing. For the World Wide Web, these "IP addresses" are derived from the human readable form using the Domain Name System (e.g. is derived from At the moment, the most widely used version of the Internet Protocol is version four but a move to version six is imminent.[87]<br><br>At the transport layer, most communication adopts either the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP is used when it is essential every message sent is received by the other computer whereas UDP is used when it is merely desirable. With TCP, packets are retransmitted if they are lost and placed in order before they are presented to higher layers. With UDP, packets are not ordered or retransmitted if lost. Both TCP and UDP packets carry port numbers with them to specify what application or process the packet should be handled by.[88] Because certain application-level protocols use certain ports, network administrators can manipulate traffic to suit particular requirements. Examples are to restrict Internet access by blocking the traffic destined for a particular port or to affect the performance of certain applications by assigning priority.<br><br>Above the transport layer, there are certain protocols that are sometimes used and loosely fit in the session and presentation layers, most notably the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. These protocols ensure that data transferred between two parties remains completely confidential.[89] Finally, at the application layer, are many of the protocols Internet users would be familiar with such as HTTP (web browsing), POP3 (e-mail), FTP (file transfer), IRC (Internet chat), BitTorrent (file sharing) and XMPP (instant messaging).<br><br>Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows data packets to be used for synchronous voice communications. The data packets are marked as voice type packets and can be prioritized by the network administrators so that the real-time, synchronous conversation is less subject to contention with other types of data traffic which can be delayed (i.e. file transfer or email) or buffered in advance (i.e. audio and video) without detriment. That prioritization is fine when the network has sufficient capacity for all the VoIP calls taking place at the same time and the network is enabled for prioritization i.e. a private corporate style network, but the Internet is not generally managed in this way and so there can be a big difference in the quality of VoIP calls over a private network and over the public Internet.[90]<br><br>Local area networks and wide area networks<br><br>Despite the growth of the Internet, the characteristics of local area networks (LANs)computer networks that do not extend beyond a few kilometersremain distinct. This is because networks on this scale do not require all the features associated with larger networks and are often more cost-effective and efficient without them. When they are not connected with the Internet, they also have the advantages of privacy and security. However, purposefully lacking a direct connection to the Internet does not provide assured protection from hackers, military forces, or economic powers. These threats exist if there are any methods for connecting remotely to the LAN.<br><br>Wide area networks (WANs) are private computer networks that may extend for thousands of kilometers. Once again, some of their advantages include privacy and security. Prime users of private LANs and WANs include armed forces and intelligence agencies that must keep their information secure and secret.<br><br>In the mid-1980s, several sets of communication protocols emerged to fill the gaps between the data-link layer and the application layer of the OSI reference model. These included Appletalk, IPX, and NetBIOS with the dominant protocol set during the early 1990s being IPX due to its popularity with MS-DOS users. TCP/IP existed at this point, but it was typically only used by large government and research facilities.[91]<br><br>As the Internet grew in popularity and its traffic was required to be routed into private networks, the TCP/IP protocols replaced existing local area network technologies. Additional technologies, such as DHCP, allowed TCP/IP-based computers to self-configure in the network. Such functions also existed in the AppleTalk/ IPX/ NetBIOS protocol sets.[92]<br><br>Whereas Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) or Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) are typical data-link protocols for larger networks such as WANs; Ethernet and Token Ring are typical data-link protocols for LANs. These protocols differ from the former protocols in that they are simpler, e.g., they omit features such as quality of service guarantees, and offer collision prevention. Both of these differences allow for more economical systems.[93]<br><br>Despite the modest popularity of IBM Token Ring in the 1980s and 1990s, virtually all LANs now use either wired or wireless Ethernet facilities. At the physical layer, most wired Ethernet implementations use copper twisted-pair cables (including the common 10BASE-T networks). However, some early implementations used heavier coaxial cables and some recent implementations (especially high-speed ones) use optical fibers.[94] When optic fibers are used, the distinction must be made between multimode fibers and single-mode fibers. Multimode fibers can be thought of as thicker optical fibers that are cheaper to manufacture devices for, but that suffers <a href="">ACN</a> from less usable bandwidth and worse attenuation - implying poorer long-distance performance.[95]<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="351" /><br><br>Transmission capacity<br><br>The effective capacity to exchange information worldwide through two-way telecommunication networks grew from 281 petabytes of (optimally compressed) information in 1986, to 471 petabytes in 1993, to 2.2 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 2000, and to 65 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 2007.[83] This is the informational equivalent of two newspaper pages per person per day in 1986, and six entire newspapers per person per day by 2007.[96] Given this growth, telecommunications play an increasingly important role in the world economy and the global telecommunications industry was about a $4.7 trillion sector in 2012.[40][97] The service revenue of the global telecommunications industry was estimated to be $1.5 trillion in 2010, corresponding to 2.4% of the world's gross domestic product (GDP).[40]<br><br>See also<br><br>Active networks<br><br>Busy override<br><br>Digital Revolution<br><br>Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling<br><br>Information Age<br><br>International Teletraffic Congress<br><br>List of telecommunications encryption terms<br><br>Nanonetwork<br><br>New media<br><br>Outline of telecommunication<br><br>Push-button telephone<br><br>Telecommunications Industry Association<br><br>Telecoms resilience<br><br>Wavelength-division multiplexing<br><br>Wired communication<br><br>References<br><br>Citations<br><br>^ "Article 1.3" (PDF), ITU Radio Regulations, International Telecommunication Union, 2012<br><br>^ Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, Annex (Geneva, 1992)<br><br>^ "Definition of telecommunication". Yahoo. Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ "Telecommunication". Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ "Telecommunication". Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ "Telecommunication". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ a b "Telecommunication". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ "Telecommunication". Retrieved 28 February 2013.<br><br>^ Websters definition: "2) technology that deals with telecommunication —usually used in plural"; Concise Encyclopedia definition: "Communication n parties at a distance from one another…."; and the Online Etymology Dictionary: "telecommunication (n.) 1932, from French tlcommunication (see tele- + communication)."; and: " 1930s: from French tlcommunication, from tl- 'at a distance' + communication 'communication' ", Oxford online.<br><br>^ "Online Etymology Dictionary".<br><br>^ Jean-Marie Dilhac, From tele-communicare to Telecommunications, 2004.<br><br>^ Telecommunication, tele- and communication, New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd edition), 2005.<br><br>^ "Online Etymology Dictionary".<br><br>^ Levi, Wendell (1977). The Pigeon. Sumter, S.C.: Levi Publishing Co, Inc. ISBN0853900132.<br><br>^ Blechman, Andrew (2007). Pigeons-The fascinating saga of the world's most revered and reviled bird. St Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press. 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"Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Development: A Simultaneous Approach". American Economic Review. 91 (4): 909-923. ISSN0002-8282. doi:10.1257/aer.91.4.909.<br><br>^ Qiang, Rossotto, 2009, Economic Impact of Broadband,<br><br>^ Riaz, Ali (1997). "The role of telecommunications in economic growth: proposal for an alternative framework of analysis". Media, Culture & Society. 19 (4): 557-583. doi:10.1177/016344397019004004.<br><br>^ "Digital Access Index (DAI)". Retrieved 6 March 2008.<br><br>^ World Telecommunication Development Report 2003, International Telecommunication Union, 2003.<br><br>^ Fischer, Claude S. "'Touch Someone': The Telephone Industry Discovers Sociability." Technology and Culture 29.1 (January 1988): 32-61. JSTOR. Web. 4 October 2009.<br><br>^ "How do you know your love is real? Check Facebook". 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Accessed 21 July 2009.<br><br>^ a b Garfield, Andrew. "The U.S. Counter-propaganda Failure in Iraq", FALL 2007, The Middle East Quarterly, Volume XIV: Number 4, Accessed 21 July 2009.<br><br>^ Wyatt, Edward (10 November 2014). "Obama Asks F.C.C. to Adopt Tough Net Neutrality Rules". New York Times. Retrieved 15 November 2014.<br><br>^ NYT Editorial Board (14 November 2014). "Why the F.C.C. Should Heed President Obama on Internet Regulation". New York Times. Retrieved 15 November 2014.<br><br>^ Computer sales review,, 2009.<br><br>^ Mobile phone sales data,, 2009.<br><br>^ PC early history,, 2005.<br><br>^ Gartner Says Top Six Vendors Drive Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales to 21% Growth in 2005, Gartner Group, 28 February 2006.<br><br>^ Africa Calling, Victor and Irene Mbarika, IEEE Spectrum, May 2006.<br><br>^ Ten Years of GSM in Australia Archived 20 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine., Australia Telecommunications Association, 2003.<br><br>^ Milestones in AT&T History, AT&T Knowledge Ventures, 2006.<br><br>^ Optical fibre waveguide, Saleem Bhatti, 1995.<br><br>^ Fundamentals of DWDM Technology, CISCO Systems, 2006.<br><br>^ Report: DWDM No Match for Sonet, Mary Jander, Light Reading, 2006.<br><br>^ Stallings, William (2004). Data and Computer Communications (7th edition (intl) ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. pp.337-366. ISBN0-13-183311-1.<br><br>^ MPLS is the future, but ATM hangs on, John Dix, Network World, 2002<br><br>^ Lazar, Irwin (22 February 2011). "The WAN Road Ahead: Ethernet or Bust?". Telecom Industry Updates. Retrieved 22 February 2011.<br><br>^ How Radio Works,, 2006.<br><br>^ Digital Television in Australia, Digital Television News Australia, 2001.<br><br>^ Stallings, William (2004). Data and Computer Communications (7th edition (intl) ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN0-13-183311-1.<br><br>^ HDV Technology Handbook, Sony, 2004.<br><br>^ Audio, Digital Video Broadcasting Project, 2003.<br><br>^ Status of DAB (USA), World DAB Forum, March 2005.<br><br>^ Brian Stelter (13 June 2009). "Changeover to Digital TV Off to a Smooth Start". New York Times.<br><br>^ GE 72664 Portable AM/FM Radio,, June 2006.<br><br>^ DAB Products, World DAB Forum, 2006.<br><br>^ Robert E. Kahn and Vinton G. Cerf, What Is The Internet (And What Makes It Work), December 1999. (specifically see footnote xv)<br><br>^ Jeff Tyson (2007). "How Internet Infrastructure Works".<br><br>^ a b "The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information", Martin Hilbert and Priscila Lpez (2011), Science, 332(6025), 60-65; free access to the study through here:<br><br>^ World Internet Users and Population Stats,, 19 March 2007.<br><br>^ OECD Broadband Statistics, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, December 2005.<br><br>^ History of the OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Guide v3.0, Charles M. Kozierok, 2005.<br><br>^ Introduction to IPv6, Microsoft Corporation, February 2006.<br><br>^ Stallings, pp 683-702.<br><br>^ T. Dierks and C. Allen, The TLS Protocol Version 1.0, RFC 2246, 1999.<br><br>^ Multimedia, Crucible (2011-05-07). "VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol and Internet telephone calls".<br><br>^ Martin, Michael (2000). Understanding the Network (The Networker's Guide to AppleTalk, IPX, and NetBIOS), SAMS Publishing, ISBN 0-7357-0977-7.<br><br>^ Ralph Droms, Resources for DHCP, November 2003.<br><br>^ Stallings, pp. 500-526.<br><br>^ Stallings, pp 514-516.<br><br>^ Fiber Optic Cable Tutorial, Arc Electronics. Retrieved June 2007.<br><br>^ "video animation The Economist".<br><br>^ Introduction to the Telecommunications Industry, Internet Engineering Task Force, June 2012.<br><br>Bibliography<br><br>Goggin, Gerard, Global Mobile Media (New York: Routledge, 2011), p.176. ISBN 978-0415469180.<br><br>Haring, John (2008). "Telecommunications". In David R. Henderson (ed.). Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (2nd ed.). Library of Economics and Liberty. ISBN978-0865976658. OCLC237794267.<br><br>OECD, Universal Service and Rate Restructuring in Telecommunications, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Publishing, 1991. ISBN 92-64-13497-2.<br><br>Wheen, Andrew. Dot-Dash to Dot.Com: How Modern Telecommunications Evolved from the Telegraph to the Internet (Springer, 2011).<br><br>External links<br><br><img alt="" src="" width="30" height="40" class="noviewer" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="1024" data-file-height="1376"/><br><br>Wikimedia Commons has media related to Telecommunications.<br><br>International Teletraffic Congress<br><br>International Telecommunication Union (ITU)<br><br>ATIS Telecom Glossary<br><br>Federal Communications Commission<br><br>IEEE Communications Society<br><br>International Telecommunication Union<br><br>Ericsson's Understanding Telecommunications at the Wayback Machine (archived 13 April 2004) (Ericsson removed the book from their site in September 2005)<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications<br><br>History<br><br><img src="" width="309" /><br><br><img alt="Telecommunications symbol" src="" width="50" height="50" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="500" data-file-height="500"/><br><br>Beacon<br><br>Broadcasting<br><br>Cable protection system<br><br>Cable TV<br><br>Communications satellite<br><br>Computer network<br><br>Drums<br><br>Electrical telegraph<br><br>Fax<br><br>Heliographs<br><br>Hydraulic telegraph<br><br>Internet<br><br>Mass media<br><br>Mobile phone<br><br>Optical telecommunication<br><br>Optical telegraphy<br><br>Pager<br><br>Photophone<br><br>Prepaid mobile phone<br><br>Radio<br><br>Radiotelephone<br><br>Satellite communications<br><br>Semaphore<br><br>Smartphone<br><br>Smoke signals<br><br>Telecommunications history<br><br>Telautograph<br><br>Telegraphy<br><br>Teleprinter (teletype)<br><br>Telephone<br><br>The Telephone Cases<br><br>Television<br><br>Timeline of communication technology<br><br>Undersea telegraph line<br><br>Videoconferencing<br><br>Videophone<br><br>Videotelephony<br><br>Whistled language<br><br>Pioneers<br><br>Edwin Howard Armstrong<br><br>John Logie Baird<br><br>Paul Baran<br><br>Alexander Graham Bell<br><br>Tim Berners-Lee<br><br>Jagadish Chandra Bose<br><br>Vint Cerf<br><br>Claude Chappe<br><br>Donald Davies<br><br>Lee de Forest<br><br>Philo Farnsworth<br><br>Reginald Fessenden<br><br>Elisha Gray<br><br>Erna Schneider Hoover<br><br>Charles K. Kao<br><br>Hedy Lamarr<br><br>Innocenzo Manzetti<br><br>Guglielmo Marconi<br><br>Antonio Meucci<br><br>Radia Perlman<br><br>Alexander Stepanovich Popov<br><br>Johann Philipp Reis<br><br>Nikola Tesla<br><br>Camille Tissot<br><br>Alfred Vail<br><br>Charles Wheatstone<br><br>Vladimir K. Zworykin<br><br>Transmission<br><br>media<br><br>Characteristic impedance<br><br>Coaxial cable<br><br>Electromagnetic radiation<br><br>Electrical cable<br><br>Free-space optical communication<br><br>Heaviside condition<br><br>Loading coil<br><br>Molecular communication<br><br>Optical fiber<br><br>Telegrapher's equations<br><br>Network topology<br><br>and switching<br><br>Links<br><br>Nodes<br><br>Terminal node<br><br>Network switching(circuit<br><br>packet)<br><br>Telephone exchange<br><br>Multiplexing<br><br>Space-division<br><br>Frequency-division<br><br>Time-division<br><br>Polarization-division<br><br>Orbital angular-momentum<br><br>Code-division<br><br>Networks<br><br>ARPANET<br><br>BITNET<br><br>Cellular network<br><br>Computer<br><br>CYCLADES<br><br>Ethernet<br><br>FidoNet<br><br>Internet<br><br>ISDN<br><br>LAN<br><br>Mobile<br><br>NGN<br><br>NPL network<br><br>Public Switched Telephone<br><br>Radio<br><br>Telecommunications equipment<br><br>Television<br><br>Telex<br><br>WAN<br><br>Wireless<br><br>World Wide Web<br><br><img alt="Category" src="" title="Category" width="16" height="14" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="36" data-file-height="31"/>Category<br><br><img alt="Portal" src="" title="Portal" width="16" height="14" srcset=" 1.5x, 2x" data-file-width="32" data-file-height="28"/>Portal<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Communication studies<br><br>Topics and<br><br>terminology<br><br>Biocommunication<br><br>Broadcasting<br><br>Communication<br><br>Computer-mediated communication<br><br>Conversation<br><br>History of communication<br><br>Information<br><br>Intercultural/ Interpersonal/ Intrapersonal communication<br><br>Journalism<br><br>Mass media<br><br>Meaning<br><br>Media ecology<br><br>Meta-communication<br><br>Models of communication<br><br>New media<br><br>Nonverbal communication<br><br>Propaganda<br><br>Reading<br><br>Speech<br><br>Symbol<br><br>Telecommunication<br><br>Text and conversation theory<br><br>Writing<br><br><img alt="Encoding communication" src="" width="120" height="104" srcset=" 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="400" data-file-height="345"/><br><br>Subfields<br><br>Communication design<br><br>Communication sciences<br><br>Communication theory<br><br>Communicology<br><br>Crisis communication<br><br>Cross-cultural communication<br><br>Development communication<br><br>Discourse analysis<br><br>Environmental communication<br><br>Health communication<br><br>International communication<br><br>Mass communication<br><br>Media studies<br><br>Mediated cross-border communication<br><br>Organizational communication<br><br>Political communication<br><br>Risk communication<br><br>Science communication<br><br>Technical communication<br><br>Visual communication<br><br>Related fields<br><br>Conversation analysis<br><br>Critical theory<br><br>Cultural studies<br><br>Digital rhetoric<br><br>Film criticism<br><br>Heritage interpretation<br><br>Journalism<br><br>photojournalism<br><br>Linguistics<br><br>Philosophy of language<br><br>Political science<br><br>Pragmatics<br><br>Public relations<br><br>Rhetoric<br><br>Semiotics<br><br>Sociolinguistics<br><br>Sociology of culture<br><br>Theatre<br><br>Scholars<br><br>Adorno<br><br>Barthes<br><br>Bateson<br><br>Benjamin<br><br>Burke<br><br>Castells<br><br>Chomsky<br><br>Craig<br><br>Fisher<br><br>Flusser<br><br>Gerbner<br><br>Goffman<br><br>Habermas<br><br>Horkheimer<br><br>Huxley<br><br>Innis<br><br>Jakobson<br><br>Janis<br><br>Johnson<br><br>Kincaid<br><br>Lippman<br><br>Luhmann<br><br>Marcuse<br><br>McLuhan<br><br>Mead<br><br>Morgan<br><br>Ong<br><br>Packard<br><br>Peirce<br><br>Postman<br><br>Quebral<br><br>Richards<br><br>Rogers<br><br>Schramm<br><br>Tankard<br><br>Tannen<br><br>Wertheimer<br><br>Category<br><br>History<br><br>Journals<br><br>Organizations<br><br>Outline<br><br>Scholars<br><br>Templates<br><br>Telecommunications by region<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in Africa<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Algeria<br><br>Angola<br><br>Benin<br><br>Botswana<br><br>Burkina Faso<br><br>Burundi<br><br>Cameroon<br><br>Cape Verde<br><br>Central African Republic<br><br>Chad<br><br>Comoros<br><br>Democratic Republic of the Congo<br><br>Republic of the Congo<br><br>Djibouti<br><br>Egypt<br><br>Equatorial Guinea<br><br>Eritrea<br><br>Ethiopia<br><br>Gabon<br><br>The Gambia<br><br>Ghana<br><br>Guinea<br><br>Guinea-Bissau<br><br>Ivory Coast (Cte d'Ivoire)<br><br>Kenya<br><br>Lesotho<br><br>Liberia<br><br>Libya<br><br>Madagascar<br><br>Malawi<br><br>Mali<br><br>Mauritania<br><br>Mauritius<br><br>Morocco<br><br>Mozambique<br><br>Namibia<br><br>Niger<br><br>Nigeria<br><br>Rwanda<br><br>So Tom and Prncipe<br><br>Senegal<br><br>Seychelles<br><br>Sierra Leone<br><br>Somalia<br><br>South Africa<br><br>South Sudan<br><br>Sudan<br><br>Swaziland<br><br>Tanzania<br><br>Togo<br><br>Tunisia<br><br>Uganda<br><br>Zambia<br><br>Zimbabwe<br><br>States with limited<br><br>recognition<br><br>Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic<br><br>Somaliland<br><br>Dependencies and<br><br>other territories<br><br>Canary Islands/ Ceuta/ Melilla/ Plazas de soberana(Spain)<br><br>Madeira(Portugal)<br><br>Mayotte/ Runion(France)<br><br>Saint Helena/ Ascension Island/ Tristan da Cunha(United Kingdom)<br><br>Western Sahara<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in Asia<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Afghanistan<br><br>Armenia<br><br>Azerbaijan<br><br>Bahrain<br><br>Bangladesh<br><br>Bhutan<br><br>Brunei<br><br>Cambodia<br><br>China<br><br>Cyprus<br><br>East Timor (Timor-Leste)<br><br>Egypt<br><br>Georgia<br><br>India<br><br>Indonesia<br><br>Iran<br><br>Iraq<br><br>Israel<br><br>Japan<br><br>Jordan<br><br>Kazakhstan<br><br>North Korea<br><br>South Korea<br><br>Kuwait<br><br>Kyrgyzstan<br><br>Laos<br><br>Lebanon<br><br>Malaysia<br><br>Maldives<br><br>Mongolia<br><br>Myanmar<br><br>Nepal<br><br>Oman<br><br>Pakistan<br><br>Philippines<br><br>Qatar<br><br>Russia<br><br>Saudi Arabia<br><br>Singapore<br><br>Sri Lanka<br><br>Syria<br><br>Tajikistan<br><br>Thailand<br><br>Turkey<br><br>Turkmenistan<br><br>United Arab Emirates<br><br>Uzbekistan<br><br>Vietnam<br><br>Yemen<br><br>States with<br><br>limited recognition<br><br>Abkhazia<br><br>Nagorno-Karabakh<br><br>Northern Cyprus<br><br>Palestine<br><br>South Ossetia<br><br>Taiwan<br><br>Dependencies and<br><br>other territories<br><br>British Indian Ocean Territory<br><br>Christmas Island<br><br>Cocos (Keeling) Islands<br><br>Hong Kong<br><br>Macau<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in Europe<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Albania<br><br>Andorra<br><br>Armenia<br><br>Austria<br><br>Azerbaijan<br><br>Belarus<br><br>Belgium<br><br>Bosnia and Herzegovina<br><br>Bulgaria<br><br>Croatia<br><br>Cyprus<br><br>Czech Republic<br><br>Denmark<br><br>Estonia<br><br>Finland<br><br>France<br><br>Georgia<br><br>Germany<br><br>Greece<br><br>Hungary<br><br>Iceland<br><br>Ireland<br><br>Italy<br><br>Kazakhstan<br><br>Latvia<br><br>Liechtenstein<br><br>Lithuania<br><br>Luxembourg<br><br>Macedonia<br><br>Malta<br><br>Moldova<br><br>Monaco<br><br>Montenegro<br><br>Netherlands<br><br>Norway<br><br>Poland<br><br>Portugal<br><br>Romania<br><br>Russia<br><br>San Marino<br><br>Serbia<br><br>Slovakia<br><br>Slovenia<br><br>Spain<br><br>Sweden<br><br>Switzerland<br><br>Turkey<br><br>Ukraine<br><br>United Kingdom<br><br>States with limited<br><br>recognition<br><br>Abkhazia<br><br>Kosovo<br><br>Nagorno-Karabakh<br><br>Northern Cyprus<br><br>South Ossetia<br><br>Transnistria<br><br>Dependencies and<br><br>other territories<br><br>land<br><br>Faroe Islands<br><br>Gibraltar<br><br>Guernsey<br><br>Isle of Man<br><br>Jersey<br><br>Svalbard<br><br>Other entities<br><br>European Union<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in North America<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Antigua and Barbuda<br><br>Bahamas<br><br>Barbados<br><br>Belize<br><br>Canada<br><br>Costa Rica<br><br>Cuba<br><br>Dominica<br><br>Dominican Republic<br><br>El Salvador<br><br>Grenada<br><br>Guatemala<br><br>Haiti<br><br>Honduras<br><br>Jamaica<br><br>Mexico<br><br>Nicaragua<br><br>Panama<br><br>Saint Kitts and Nevis<br><br>Saint Lucia<br><br>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines<br><br>Trinidad and Tobago<br><br>United States<br><br>Dependencies and<br><br>other territories<br><br>Anguilla<br><br>Aruba<br><br>Bermuda<br><br>Bonaire<br><br>British Virgin Islands<br><br>Cayman Islands<br><br>Curaao<br><br>Greenland<br><br>Guadeloupe<br><br>Martinique<br><br>Montserrat<br><br>Navassa Island<br><br>Puerto Rico<br><br>Saint Barthlemy<br><br>Saint Martin<br><br>Saint Pierre and Miquelon<br><br>Saba<br><br>Sint Eustatius<br><br>Sint Maarten<br><br>Turks and Caicos Islands<br><br>United States Virgin Islands<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in Oceania<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Australia<br><br>Federated States of Micronesia<br><br>Fiji<br><br>Kiribati<br><br>Marshall Islands<br><br>Nauru<br><br>New Zealand<br><br>Palau<br><br>Papua New Guinea<br><br>Samoa<br><br>Solomon Islands<br><br>Tonga<br><br>Tuvalu<br><br>Vanuatu<br><br>Associated states<br><br>of New Zealand<br><br>Cook Islands<br><br>Niue<br><br>Dependencies<br><br>and other territories<br><br>American Samoa<br><br>Christmas Island<br><br>Cocos (Keeling) Islands<br><br>Easter Island<br><br>French Polynesia<br><br>Guam<br><br>Hawaii<br><br>New Caledonia<br><br>Norfolk Island<br><br>Northern Mariana Islands<br><br>Pitcairn Islands<br><br>Tokelau<br><br>Wallis and Futuna<br><br>v<br><br>t<br><br>e<br><br>Telecommunications in South America<br><br>Sovereign states<br><br>Argentina<br><br>Bolivia<br><br>Brazil<br><br>Chile<br><br>Colombia<br><br>Ecuador<br><br>Guyana<br><br>Paraguay<br><br>Peru<br><br>Suriname<br><br>Uruguay<br><br>Venezuela<br><br>Dependencies and<br><br>other territories<br><br>Falkland Islands<br><br>French Guiana<br><br>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands<br><br>Authority control<br><br>LCCN: sh85133270<br><br>GND: 4059360-5<br><br>BNF: cb119335984 (data)<br><br>NDL: 00561375<br><br><img src="" alt="" title="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"/><br><br>Retrieved from ""<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Stock Sectors: Communications - 15 Jun 2017 06:32


[[html]]Stock Sectors: Communications<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="375" /><br><br>Top Movers<br><br>Price<br><br>% Change<br><br>PTXKYXL Axiata Tbk PT<br><br>5.49<br><br>+7.23%<br><br>MYTAYMagyar Telekom Tavko…<br><br>8.71<br><br>+4.56%<br><br>TKCTurkcell Iletisim Hi…<br><br>8.52<br><br>+3.92%<br><br>Bottom Movers<br><br>Price<br><br>% Change<br><br>FTRFrontier Communicati…<br><br>1.27<br><br>-5.22%<br><br>MBTMobil'nye Telesistem…<br><br>9.20<br><br>-5.15%<br><br>TRKNYTurk Telekomunikasyo…<br><br>3.62<br><br>-4.74%<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="391" /><br><br>Communications<br><br>3 month change-1.55%<br><br>S&P 500<br><br>3 month change +2.21%<br><br>Communications Companies<br><br><img src="" width="325" /><br><br>Company<br><br>Market<br><br>capP/EPriceChange% ChangeYTD<br><br>changeALSKAlaska Communications Systems Group Inc$113.6M56.72.17+0.02+0.93%+32.32%TAT&T$238.1B19.038.72+0.04+0.10%-8.96%ATNIATN International Inc$1.1B88.670.01+0.22+0.32%-12.63%BCEBce <a href="">ACN</a> Inc$40.4B13.644.86-0.06-0.13%+3.75%CBBCincinnati <a href="">ACN</a> Bell Inc$802.7M5.519.05+0.05+0.26%-14.77%CNSLConsolidated Communications Holdings Inc$1.1B306.421.45+0.39+1.85%-20.11%SHENShenandoah Telecommunications Co$1.6BNM31.60-0.25-0.78%+15.75%TUTelus Corp$20.0B—33.68-0.22-0.65%+5.75%VZVerizon$190.5B15.646.69+0.23+0.50%-12.53%<br><br>';
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Why Are Flash Video Games Ending Up Being So Popular? - 11 Feb 2017 12:54


[[html]]Nintendo has carved out its very own particular niche as the family-friendly pc gaming system, and Mario 3D Globe's co-op fits that mold and mildew. Simply be prepared to throw a couple of f-bombs at your liked ones, as they squash your head right as you're removing to go across an endless chasm. Levels are fast-paced enough that tossing two to four players on the screen at the very same time unavoidably leads to crazy chaos. Very fun crazy trouble.<br><br>At this factor, any person could play Mario video games on the net. No requirement for a game console, a Television Set, or a cartridge. There many super mario run hack video game versions available on the internet, mostly from pc gaming websites. These sites supply super mario run hack games provided in various forms, although they all provide the very same contentment that the game gives.<br><br>Independent Video clip Game Stores - Ignore your Gamestops and EBGames, they stopped bring Nintendo 64 video games fairly a while back. Locate the closest independent video clip game shop. They usually lug past generation systems like Nintendo 64. The rates will most likely be the highest on this checklist, however they generally have good options as well as a variety of hard to discover games, plus the staff members are educated. Do not anticipate to go in as well as discover Super Knockout Bros for $5 though, they usually know what does it cost? every little thing deserves and rate the games as necessary.<br><br>Samus Aran began her life in Metroid (1986) as an ex-marine fugitive hunter usually garbed in substantial weaponized matches as well as goes via numerous missions from the Galactic Federation. Samus has the tendency to work alone, and also in the first Metroid, her gender was maintained a key until completion of the game (also the pamphlet for the video game referred to the personality as male!). Samus is able to kick butt and also look great while doing it!<br><br><img src="[LevelModv1_0byRecovery1](~SuperMarioBros_3-2ndRun).gif" width="350" align="right" /><br><br>Not only did I play the video games based on Mario, but I likewise saw the flick super mario run all levels hack Bro. I enjoyed viewing the motion picture, and I've seen it many times. I do not bear in mind much of it, considereding as how it has been many years as well as I was fairly young (more youthful compared to Ten Years old) when I saw it for the very first time.<br><br><h2>Super Mario Run Vs Rayman</h2><br><br><iframe src=";lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0&amp;landing_data=bHVZZmNaNDBIWnNjdEVENDRhZDFNZGNIUE1JdGtYV3lxSnR0S0o1NUg1K2xFMkMyYVdic21IZVRFb040SkIrODFRPT0&amp;landing_sign=rnHVDxCoKBpte-ILsP6BQFhILuxjYFFR73Kpv2yNO0k" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" id="iframe_container" frameborder="0" height="350" width="450"></iframe><br><br><a href="">super mario run news</a><br><br>Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Equipment: In this Tetris-style video game, you have to conserve the homeowners of Beanville from being become robotics by beating Robotnik's mechanical minions individually prior to handling the crazy medical professional himself. Like a great deal of challenge video games, this one could become habit forming and maintain you linkeded for hrs. You could play tale, endless, as well as two-player settings, and the addition of personalities from the Journeys of Sonic the Hedgehog animated series is a wonderful touch. If there is one flaw, it is that this video game could make you shed track of time in a rush. Certainly among the most effective problem video games on the Genesis.<br><br>The initial video game that was introduced was New super mario run cheats Bros. for Wii. It plays much like the traditional super mario run cheats Bros. games as a side-scroller but with a cleaner look and a few even more capabilities. The video game looks alright, yet do we actually need another super mario run cheats Bros. remix?<br><br>Quake: The original 3D shooter that actually utilized 3D models as well as complete 3D atmospheres. It lacked a story but that does not make it a bad video game. It made use of lots of ideas that were executed in DOOM, one of which was the BFG 9000.<br><br>The video game has actually gotten on numerous systems, consisting of a handheld version for the DS a few years earlier. That video game was $30; there's an Xbox Live Gallery variation for $10; the apple iphone Mr. Driller is 99 cents and also has most the modes represented. In my short playtime, the game does encounter a great deal of the very same problems most apple iphone video games have when it has to make use of a "online pad." Digital manages with tactile responses give a precision that analog or touchscreen have a tough time replicating, as well as it's especially noticeable in games like Mr. Driller. Absolutely nothing will certainly hop on your nerves quicker compared to a mistake not due to a blunder you made, however by the unresponsive control plan. While there are other control options that capitalize on the accelerometer, it's still challenging to obtain used to.<br><br>A: In early 2008 we saw a team of trainees transmitting an effort to defeat a number of Zelda video games in a continuous session. Ultimately, they requested donations to buy pizza. The reaction was impressive, as well as they made a decision to give the money to Youngster's Play. It appeared like so much fun that we set up the Mario Marathon for July of that year.<br><br><h3>Super Mario Run Easter Eggs</h3>You could also add a tiara for a more princess-esque appearance. You can either select from the current finest marketing Wii games or preorder the coming quickly Wii games.Computer Game For Family Members For The HolidaysBE CREATIVE (as well as locate suppliers that will assist you!). He sounds a bit also gruff for my preference, unlike Martinet's restless talent. 7Up's Cool Place came to be a video game in the early 80s.[[/html]] - Comments: 0

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